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Pond Volume Calculator - StarsnSites

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Pond Volume Calculator

Enter all values in feet and decimals of feet.
(For example, '12 1/2 feet would be entered as 12.5)

Liner size calculation allows for 2' overlap.
Suggested pump size is based on initial pond turnover every 1.5 hours.
Max depth is used solely for liner size calculations.

Rectangular   Oval
(All fields required)
Max Depth:
Avg. Depth:
Enter your desired pond turnover (every) (hours)

Your Pond Calculation Results

Pond Volume: U.K. gallons
Pond Volume: U.S. gallons
Pond Surface Area: square feet
Recommended liner size: feet x feet
Suggested Pump Size: US gallons per hour
Suggested Pump Size: UK gallons per hour
Ideal Stock Level: Inches of fish
Marginal Stock Level: Inches of fish
Pond Calculators ©2003-2007 Starsnsites - All rights reserved